The Soul’s Fuel
ISBN 9788119221233




What Is Depression? Are you suffering from depression??

A lot of people ask me what actually is depression. Everyone has heard about depression, but most people don’t know which traits or characteristics are defined as the symptoms of depression. Even at this generation, most people are either not aware of, or are not ready to accept that they have depression and get some medical help, which is very much required.

Depression is not a disease we should be ashamed of: it is a state of mind. In today’s world, with the lifestyle we follow, results in 90% of the people suffering from depression. Our lives have become so hectic, which leaves no time for us. We are living a monotonous life with no time to do the things that we love or that make us happy. With increase in the cost of living, everybody is busy trying to earn more and more money, resulting in spending most of our waking hours at our work place. Following ones passion is not considered a priority as it doesn’t always help to meet the cost of our living. We don’t even have time for our loved ones.

How to know if you have depression, or, in better words, when should you seek medical help?

There are times when we feel low as a result of some loss or some event that didn’t execute as per our expectations. This is quite normal and won’t be considered as a sign of depression. People with depression often feel extreme sadness or over-joyful for no reason in particular. These are known as mood swings. These mood swings are not in a person’s control. During their low phases, they tend to feel everything is against their will, and based on the level of depression one is suffering from, they may get suicidal thoughts. If not controlled at the right time, these thoughts get so severe, that the person may tend to harm itself.

Depressed people tend to get irritated in every small thing. It gets difficult for them to control their anger and may thus seem rude and drive people away from them. In this process, they may spoil their relationship with those who they care for.

People in depression also tend to feel very tired and sleepy all the time, as there is so much going on in their minds, that they are always exhausted mentally. They tend to sleep a lot because firstly, they are tired throughout the day, and secondly, because it helps them to pass their time. This is because when we are sleeping, for that moment the mind is free of thoughts and thus it relaxes us. They just want to get over with their days as quickly as possible. They hate their lives and just live it for the heck of it.

Life seems worthless to these people. They are so full of self-loathing and hatred, that they cannot see the good in anything. They tend to see only the bad in every situation. They feel everyone and everything is against them, that no one loves them. But, this isn’t something they do on purpose. When in depression, the mind tends to behave weirdly, in ways that cannot be justified to a normal person.

With depression comes anxiety, which results in lack of sleep, irritability and restlessness. Medications just help to calm the mind and relax the person. It doesn’t cure depression, but just relaxes the brain for a certain number of hours, and prevents the person from thinking too much.

Ways to fight depression:

The easiest way to fight depression is by consulting a psychiatrist and following the medications provided religiously. However, the better way to fight depression is, by attending various counselling sessions, exercising and meditation. Being around your loved ones also helps one overcome depression. They need to be surrounded by positive people, happy people, because happy people radiate positive vibes which makes the surrounding positive.

Medicines are fine if used for short term, but long term use of these medicines makes our body used to it and thus fades away the effects, resulting in the increase in dosage constantly. It also has its own side-effects. Stopping the medication after using it for a long period is difficult. It requires much more hard work and dedication.

How to prevent depression:

According to me, the best way to stay away from depression is to develop a hobby and follow it. For e.g. If you love to dance, make sure to take out some time every day for it, no matter how busy your schedule is. When you do something you love, it is equivalent to meditation, as during that time, it is just you and your passion. If you observe, when we do things we loved, during that span of time, our mind is free from all other thoughts. Isn’t this what meditation really is?

Secondly, we should exercise on a daily basis. Fit body result in a healthy mind. Studies have shown that regular exercise decreases tension, elevates mood and has anti-anxiety effects. Exercise also helps to provide more oxygen to the brain thus helping in relieving stress and to sleep better.

So, take out some time and think, what is that one thing that really makes you happy? That you enjoy doing and makes you forget all about the world? It may be just anything. Once you have found it, do make sure to keep aside at least 15 minutes for it every day.

Instead of hiding depression, fight it, as that shows your real strength. Not everyone is able to confront depression.