The Soul’s Fuel
ISBN 9788119221233




Life... The Way It Is!!! Why can’t life be the way we want it to be?

What is the most appropriate term we may use to describe life? The one that pops up in our minds is — Unpredictable. This is exactly how life is. It is like a thriller movie, where, no matter how hard we try, we can never guess what is to happen next. It is always full of surprises: while some are pleasant, the others may be like a nightmare. It always keeps us on our edge.

Most of the times we feel life is very unfair and unbalanced. When we are undergoing some hard phase in life, all life surrounds us with is more pain and sufferings. It hardly gives us time to come out of one hardship before it drowns us in another, and then another, to the time that we are just on the verge of giving up. Then it turns our clock and surrounds us with so much happiness, which again becomes hard to handle.

People say that it’s necessary because it makes us strong and gives us the strength to face it the next time. But, why can’t life be balanced? Like, let us overcome one low phases followed by a high phase. Won’t life be easier to deal with this way?

But, we don’t have a say in how life should be, do we? So, each one of us are compelled to finish this journey called life, the way it is.

Think of it as finding ourselves in the middle of a long tunnel, with neither of its ends in sight. What option do we have then? Its either to keep walking, knowing that there is bound to be a way out, no matter how long the walk is, or giving up and letting ourselves rot in that tunnel itself. The choice is ours.

So, life isn’t simple. It requires a great degree of effort to survive through it. But once we near the climax, just like that of a thriller movie, we then realise that all the troubles was worth it.

If we have a mixture of food consisting of sweet and sour, we will enjoy it, no matter what. But imagine eating something bitter followed by something sweet. The sweetness in the second case will be much more welcomed and appreciated. That’s how life is. It makes our journey so difficult, that once we overcome it, we may feel the real happiness even in the simplest of things. The things we may not have valued otherwise.

So, it’s no use complaining about life and it’s ways because it’s not in our hands to change it. What we may do instead is to accept it the way it is and have the confidence that we have the strength and motivation to reach the end of that tunnel. We need to believe in ourselves to have the strength to fight whatever life throws towards us and not be a loser. After all who likes to miss the climax?

One of the best sayings about life:

Many of life’s failures are experienced by people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

– By Thomas Edison