The Soul’s Fuel
ISBN 9788119221233




Perception Is All That Matters Respect your perception, and also other’s!!!

When we talk about perception, the first example that comes to our mind is that of a half glass of water. While some people see it as half full, others see it as half empty. Logically, both are correct, but have you ever given it a thought why is there this difference in thought?

This difference arises based on whether the person is an optimist or a pessimist. An optimist always tends to see the positive in everything, even in the worst of scenarios. I have personally met few people, who suffer from deadly diseases, but they are still happy and grateful to God for giving them the disease, as they understand that the treatment is costly but thankfully they can afford it. Had it been to someone less fortunate, it could not have been able to afford the required treatment and would have had to suffer much more.

On the other hand, a pessimist complains about everything. They feel life is too unfair to them and they are the victim of every misgiving.

The main difference between the ways an optimist or a pessimist perceives life is based on whom they compare themselves with. An optimist always considers the less fortunate than them, and hence feels blessed with whatever they have. A pessimist always compares themselves with the ones those are better off than them, and therefore are in a constant phase of self-pity and self-loathing. They don’t consider, or rather fail to consider, that they themselves are better off than so many in this world.

In this world, we will find people living every type of life, but accepting our life the way it is, is the best thing we can do. If you see beggars, do you always find them crying? That is not the case, right? Even if they get one meal in a day, they are satisfied and happy. While, are rich people the most happiest in the world? The answer we all know is ‘No’. Most of the rich people are the unhappy people in this world and suffer from depression, anxiety, etc. We may think they have all the money in the world and can buy whatever their heart desires, so what can make them unhappy. But, the fact is, the heart is never satisfied. No matter what you have, it always wants more. And when you have everything, the thought of losing it all eats you from within.

So, accept life the way it is. Work hard and do your best, but learn to accept the way life unfolds. We cannot change anything by cribbing about it or being sad, but if we try to be happy in every situation, facing all the shortcomings of this path called life, becomes a bit easier.

A very beautiful quote on Perception:

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”

Dr. Seuss