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Seek Readers Who Will Love Your Work

Seek Readers Who Will Love Your Work

It is no magic to find readers who will be your fans. 

It’s a lot of work and needs patience to build a bond, even if you experience a sudden burst of exposure. You can only attract readers by offering what they want. 

Implement the following tips to make your book a reader’s favorite…

The Caption

A caption is one of the first things that catches a reader's attention and also one of the deciding factors that makes a reader decide if they want to read your book or not. 

Some titles are short, some are of moderate length and some are long. However, it is not the length of the title that matters but the ring that it has to it. 

The title should be catchy and something that will stay in the mind for a long time. Don’t make it excessively fancy because then people will find it difficult to pronounce it. This can backfire and distance them from your book.  It is better to use relevant titles that will tickle the curiosity of the reader. 

Unique Characters

New authors tend to create black-and-white characters. These characters are either good or evil. No one likes such characters because they are not relatable. Also, avoid the stereotypical ones. 

Create likable characters. You can do this by giving them both good and bad traits and some skills. List out their likes and dislikes. Let them commit mistakes. Make them vulnerable and strong. 

Peculiar Writing

Some authors think – the fancier their writing, the better it will be perceived by their readers. In the long run, readers will start avoiding the writer’s books because reading such books is tiresome and not fun at all. You do not have to show off your extensive vocabulary. 

Some authors tend to use an excessive number of metaphors to the point that nothing makes sense. It’s called 'flowery writing'. The majority of the readers despise this kind of writing. People tend to get tired and frustrated if they have read this page after page. 

Therefore, use these as necessary and not as a compulsion.

Write Books Worth Sharing

Reading takes time, and accepting a book recommendation is therefore an act of trust. You will get better at conveying emotion by writing more and practising your craft and will deepen that emotional connection every time you publish something new.

It’s tempting to please as many readers as possible. To gain widespread approval, you must be as neutral as possible. 

Writers desperate for readership will often compromise what they stand for. It’s fine if you end up discouraging the wrong readers by standing firm in what your books truly are because doing so will gain you more of the right readers.

Don’t change who you are, what your books are, and what your brand represents to make a quick grab for an audience to suit you. You will automatically grow your truest fan base by staying authentic and standing firm.

It’s simple – if you like what you write, your readers will like what they read, for sure!