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How to Create a Writing Schedule?

Build a schedule you will stick to! 

We’re all unique, but with some tips in hand, you will have everything you need to create a writing schedule. 

Let’s talk about how writing schedules can transform not just the quality of your work but your career as an author. It takes time to succeed, and one of the aspects of success is regular writing habits.

Let’s learn how you can build a perfect writing schedule…

Be Definite

Saying that “I’m going to write more” is incorrect. Instead, say “I’m going to write for one hour every morning of every weekday.

Be definite and create a healthy writing schedule. Be specific. Think about how much time you can spare to write each day. Plan the following:

  • How much you want to write every day, along with the days you will do as weekdays or weekends. 
  • Schedule when you are going to do this writing. It helps you set the time so you don’t run out of time by the end of your day. 
  • Specify where you plan to write (such as your desk or the library).

Plan what works best for you.

Be Practical

The most common trap writers fall into when creating their writing schedule is being ambitious, which is quite natural. The fact is that you are excited about your passion and spending all the time bringing your stories to life; plan it practically.

Try to resist setting unachievable goals and end up strained and burned out. Manage the following:

  • Account for your schedule and commitments.
  • Ensure you still have enough downtime to take care of yourself. It’s better to commit to thirty minutes twice a week and stick to it for a year than an hour every day and keep it up for a month only.

Once you get into a writing habit, it will be much easier to let it grow. 

Create Consistency

When you create a writing habit, you need not think of having to fit writing into your life. Eventually, you don’t need any specifics defined. The more consistency you keep, the easier it will become.

Have Flexibility

If you cannot stick to your plan, shift things around. You should be able to accommodate that without everything falling apart. If you have to miss one of your sessions, try to fit it in somewhere else or carry on as it is.

There’s no need to get frustrated when you can be flexible and take it in stride.

Avoid Distractions

Writers may feel guilty spending time writing when they could be doing other more “important” work. But remember, if writing is your number one passion, then it is crucial to avoid distractions. 

If you are careful of your writing time and impress your friends and family that they must also respect it, you will have vaulted one of the trickiest hurdles for writers. Try to explain your writing schedule to those that live with you, and make it clear that during your writing time you are not to be disturbed. 

If you can close the door to the room you are writing in, you will be amazed at what a difference it makes to how likely people are to disturb you on a whim.

Be Active

Much of the novel writing happens deep inside your brain before translating it to black and white. Many writers say they get their best ideas and solve the plot holes while being active and away from their desks.

You will have to be vigilant when adding this in. If walking time is creative, make time to stay focused on your novel.


Some people are excellent at setting goals and sticking to them. However, most of us are not. That’s where external accountability comes in. 

Having a community of like-minded people around us can be instrumental in keeping us well-motivated and on track. Having deadlines set by other people keeps us honest. 

Other writers can give you encouragement and feedback about opportunities and resources. 

Your Writing Schedule Certainly Matters 

If you want to be a writer, it’s crucial to have a solid writing habit – and the best way to establish that habit is to create and stick to a healthy writing schedule.

Create a writing schedule that is sustainable and effective. Be realistic and kind to yourself, and never lose sight of the fact that you write because you love doing so!