Of Memories, Dreams and Emotions
ISBN 9789395986762





Childhood Revisited

Childhood reminds me of those carefree days, when I was so lively and vivacious,

Those were the times, when I had no tension whatsoever when everyday was a celebration.

Those were the times, when my mind was free from any inhibitions and animosity.

Childhood, reminds me of those mysterious acts done with friends which where laced with curiosity.

Those were the times, when I was so innocent and oblivious of my surroundings.

Playing was my hobby, by which days and months rolled by without any counting.

My childhood reminds me of those times, when dreams and fantasies over powered me.

Yes, those were the times when I was not entangled among worries and was totally free.

That was the golden period, which now I realise.

Those were the times, when I thought if I could touch the greatest of the heights.

Oh! My childhood, your memories are really a treasure for my whole life,

As whenever I think of that phase of my life, the only ornament which adorns my face is my smile

Reminiscing Childhood

I long for my childhood days,

When our life was surrounded with myriad plays.

That phase keeps on lingering my tensed mind,

As now our life is intertwined.

The life of the children was so tension free,

And as a result, it was full of glee.

People brimmed with love and compassion,

But now hardly even near and dear ones have interactions.

Formality was nowhere to be seen,

But now following a robotic life has become a routine.

Today life is so materialistic,

But the childhood times were so simplistic.

Let me cherish those days with heartful of contentment,

So that childhood becomes my life’s ornament.

The Redolence of Childhood

Sometimes, I try to search the child within me,

As it reminds me of the copious spree.

A phase wrapped with fun and frolic,

Which gains its value with passing years to emerge as symbolic.

Each and every day of childhood spent with a carefree shoulder,

As its value we realize, once we become older.

Those were the days, when innocence was at its brim,

Which now is hardly found as it is, in its dim.

Dreams and fantasies easily overpowered the innocent heart and soul,

But with the passage of time, hardly one gets time to get everything under control.

Those sparkling eyes, innocent smile all seems to be obscured,

As life’s precious lessons teach and make a person mature.

Let us all cherish the golden years of our childhood,

So that it can enlighten and give us inspiration, strength for our old hood!