The Gang of Six plus One
ISBN 9789395986410-epub




9: The Unexpected Turn

The Pangsau Pass approaches came into view within a few minutes of walking. The cool, crisp mountain air and the scenic beauty of the tall high peaks of the Himalayas were breathtaking.

“Once we get onto the Pangsau Pass, we will be on the crest of the Patkai Hills. From there, we can see the famous Lake of No Return”, said the Sherpa.

“What a weird name”, said Mayuka. “Why is it called the Lake of No Return”?

“There are many different stories of how this Lake earned that name. One version is that in the Second World War, many Allied planes crash-landed in this Lake. There are other stories, too, of lots of mysterious occurrences”.

Interrupting Sherpa’s story, Igashu said, “yes, I remember when I was very young, my father told me about this Lake. He said they called it the ‘Bermuda Triangle of India’. It is supposed to be dangerous. Sometimes, one can see horrible sights. Some people have vanished when near the Lake. But I don’t believe in any of these stories”.

“I don’t understand. Why did so many aircraft crash land in the Lake”? Asked Kiana, appearing confused.

“I was told that it was due to strange weather conditions”, explained the Sherpa.

“Since we are so close to the Lake, is there a chance for us to experience this strange weather”? Asked Mayuka, wondering what could be in store for them.

“No, no. That’s not possible”, said the Sherpa reassuringly. “This strange weather occurs high up in the skies. The warm air from the south creates high pressure, whereas the cold Siberian air from the north creates low pressure. When both combine and hit the high Himalayan ranges, the wind shoots upwards at a very high speed. When cooled, this wind rushes down in a terrifying draft. The turbulence hits the aircraft so violently that it is flipped upside down and hurled downwards, causing it to crash into the Lake. I believe more than 700 aircraft and 3000 men were lost”.

“Oh! That’s scary. Why could the aircraft not take another route”? Asked Kiana.

“It all happened during the Second World War when American aircraft had to drop supplies to the Chinese. Though treacherous, this Hump Route from India to China was the only route to avoid interception by Japanese fighters”.

“Bah! Let’s get on with our journey. We have heard and seen enough of this Lake. I want to get away from this scary place”, said Mayuka.

“Since we have come so close, I want to go at least up to the edge of the Lake. It’s daylight hours, and it looks so peaceful. It should be safe”, said Igashu looking pleadingly at the Sherpa.

There was total silence. Mayuka wondered how Igashu, their leader, could even entertain such foolish thoughts. This was highly irresponsible and unacceptable.

Kiana appeared confused. Her mind told her that the idea should be rejected outright, but her heart craved adventure. Not wanting to offend Mayuka and, at the same time, not wanting Igashu to be disappointed, she thought of taking a balanced stand. Hesitatingly, she said, “hearing the stories sure sounds risky, but we have the Sherpa with us and also Ayk, Kay, and Zino. Maybe we can take a chance”.

“Gosh, Kiana, no. I disagree. Why do you want to tempt fate? If something horrible springs up from the water, it will haunt you for the rest of your life”, said Mayuka.

“Yes, Mayuka, you are right. On second thought, I don’t think it’s such a good idea. I don’t want to go”, said Kiana.

“Bwah-ha-ha. Kiana, don’t tell me you are chickening out”? Taunted Igashu.

The Sherpa was amused with this exchange among the three. He knew he had to intervene and play the role of a peacemaker.

“Igashu, you want to go down to the Lake. Fine, we will do that. I will take you there. Mayuka and Kiana can remain seated on Kay with Zino, keeping watch. We will take Ayk with us”.

“Utter madness”, muttered Mayuka. “Don’t tell me afterwards that I didn’t warn you. Better make it quick. We don’t want to be left alone for long”.

Smiling in relief, Igashu said, “don’t be scared. We will be safe”.

The Sherpa took the winding dirt track down to the Lake. Igashu felt a chill run down his spine. Was he risking the whole adventure only to satisfy his curiosity? What if the stories were actually true? He knew he could never forgive himself if things turned nasty. His action was undoubtedly unbecoming of a leader.

Kay suddenly started getting uneasy, and so was Zino. They kept shuffling forwards and backwards nervously. Kay began to make strange noises, whereas Zino kept hopping and shaking his head.

“Oh-oh! This is not a good sign”, said Mayuka

“Yes, I think Zino and Kay are trying to warn us that the Sherpa and Igashu should come back”, said Kiana.

However, the Sherpa, Igashu, and Ayk continued on their path, not showing any signs of uneasiness or fear.

Without warning, Ayk suddenly and aggressively reared on his hind legs. Igashu was thrown off Ayk’s back and fell to the ground. At the same time, they observed many strange and ugly-looking creatures waving to them from the water. Loud chattering amongst these creatures broke the silence.

The Sherpa pulled out the long-beaded chain from around his neck. The chain had a Yeti’s claw pendant attached. Holding the pendant high up in the air, he walked towards the Lake. The ugly creatures immediately vanished underwater, the chattering stopped, and the silence returned. The Sherpa quickly turned and headed back toward Igashu. Ayk was gently nudging Igashu to his feet, but Igashu remained seated on the ground in a state of shock.

The Sherpa helped Igashu to his feet, but he yelled in pain and fell to the ground.

“Oh! It looks like you have sprained your ankle. Lie down on the ground and give me your foot”. After rotating Igashu’s ankle gently, he said, “you are lucky. No broken bones or dislocation. It must be only a minor sprain”. Saying that, he untied his sash from around his waist and gently bandaged the sprained ankle.

Once Igashu was seated on Ayk’s back, they turned to head back to Mayuka and Kiana.

“I suggest you go no further. I will take you to the Tezu General Hospital. We should have your ankle checked. You are in no condition to continue your adventure”.

Igashu felt deflated. Had he let down his gang? He remembered Mayuka’s ominous warning. Shunning logic, he had chosen to satisfy his heart’s cravings. He rode back in silence, wondering what the reaction of Mayuka and Kiana would be.