The Gang of Six plus One
ISBN 9789395986410-epub




7: Sherpa’s Briefing at Wakro

Sherpa Tenzing welcomed them with a broad smile, saying, “let’s sit at the corner café and have a refreshing glass of yak’s milk. I want to give you a talk about this trek”.

The Sherpa commenced his briefing as soon as everyone had a warm glass of milk in their hands.

“This Pangsau Pass is in the Patkai Hills of the Eastern Himalayas. It is the shortest route to Myanmar. I can see you all want excitement and adventure. So, we will take the difficult trekking track that runs a short distance from the motorable road. But let me warn you, it’s not going to be easy. We can face many hardships. As we climb higher, breathing may become difficult, and …….”.

“Yes, we know that, but surely you are carrying oxygen cylinders and masks in case there is a need”? Interrupted Mayuka.

Igashu smiled inwardly at Mayuka’s fixation with safety.

“I have checked the weather, and though it looks good, we should be ready for the worst. The weather in the mountains changes very quickly and without warning. Temperatures can drop suddenly, and we can face strong icy wind”.

“We have our parkas, and we are wearing winter clothing”, said Mayuka wondering if it was good enough.

“I can see that. At this time of the year, what you are wearing should be sufficient. If we are unlucky, we could be hit by an avalanche”, said the Sherpa.

“What’s that”? Asked Kiana.

“An avalanche is a huge mass of ice and rocks sliding down the mountainside”, explained Mayuka.

“Phew! That’s scary”, said Kiana.

“Mountain climbing is a risky adventure, my girl. There are too many unknowns”.

“Are there any more dangers that we should be aware of”? Asked Mayuka.

“Well, there is always the possibility of sighting the Yeti.”

Both the girls jumped with fear and excitement, shouting, “What, Yeti, who looks like an ape”?

“Hmmm. Yes. We will be lucky if we see Yeti from afar. I am not so sure that you would like to see him from close”.

“I heard he is massive, like a giant”, said Kiana.

As expected from Mayuka, “then are you carrying a weapon to protect us”?

“No weapon can protect us from the Yeti. But do not fear. You will be safe”, said Sherpa.

Igashu loved this conversation. He didn’t believe in the existence of the Yeti, so he chose to remain silent and enjoy the talk.

“Why? Can you speak the Yeti language”?

“No, but the Yeti can recognise a Sherpa. As we are together, no harm will come to anyone”.

Mayuka and Kiana didn’t appear too convinced but went along.

Zino was not pleased with what he heard. Zino remembered Yeti as a great spirit of the mountains. He was not confident that the girls would understand that Yeti, although huge and scary, was there to protect them. Zino gazed at Igashu and pleaded with his eyes. Suddenly Igashu remembered all the Yeti murals he had seen in the temples during his wanderings. He smiled and patted Zino.

He heard the Sherpa say, “come, let’s start the climb”.