The Soul’s Fuel
ISBN 9788119221233




Is Money Everything??

We must have come across this question at least once in our lifetime. What do you think? If we have money, do we have everything? In other words, can money buy everything we desire or dream of?

To an extent we may say ‘Yes’; we may buy the best house at the best location, eat the best food or get the best medical treatment available. What more can we ask for? We may argue that money can’t buy love, but in most of the cases today, we do see that if a person loves someone dearly, but doesn’t have enough money to live a comfortable life, it is not always true that the other person will be ready to sacrifice everything for love. But is money seriously everything is a debatable question.

We ruin our health at the prime stage of our life by running after money, and the rest of our life, we lose the hard earned money on trying to rectify our health. Why can’t we see this simple truth and lead a more meaningful life?

We just have one life; shouldn’t we be living it to the fullest? We should work hard, no doubt, but why not even spend some of the money we earn in enjoying life while we have the time. We should try and balance our work and personal life as both are equally important. Be considerable towards our health as, in the end, that’s what stays with us. Old and sick is a dreadful combination.

In today’s world everyone is competing with the other, everyone wants to earn more and more money. What we forget is, even if we have all the wealth of the world, we cannot use all of it. We cannot take the money with us to our graves. This money is valid only till we are in this world, and this time is restricted. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Saving for the future, isn’t it a little too much to think about now, when we don’t even know if we will be able to see tomorrow’s Sun?

So, we should start living for today. Saying this, I don’t mean we shouldn’t save at all, but just have enough that will help us to continue living our life with ease. Why do we have to save for our kids? Don’t we have the confidence in them that they can earn for their own? A parent’s job is to provide good education to their kids and make them capable enough to care for themselves. Their job ends there. Then they should let their kids discover themselves on their own. Face the hurdles the path of life throws on them. It will only make them stronger.

Spend time with your loved ones. If you are busy earning money throughout your life, maybe to keep your loved ones with great comfort, but what if they are not there tomorrow to even experience it? You may not even get time to show how much they mattered to you, because you were so busy with your work. Maybe it’s your company that they actually yearn for, and not all the comforts of the world? So express them your feelings when you have the time. Let them feel they are loved by spending time with them, and not by just providing for all their needs.

The richest person of the world may not be the happiest, or the poorest person of the world may not be the most depressed. Money is addictive. The more you have it, the more you want. Our body is such that it may even survive in the harshest of conditions, but the more comfort we provide it, the more used to it becomes. It’s like dough; we may mould it the way we want.

On the other side, we may also say that money can buy life. If a person is ill and doesn’t receive proper treatment due to the lack of money, it may lose its life, whereas, a person with money may get the right treatment and survive.

So, money is not everything, but it is surely an integral part of our life. Still, why should we not live life like there is no tomorrow.