Several ingredients make up a commercially successful tale, regardless of the genre to which it belongs.

If you want your book to reach the market in the shortest possible time, self-publish your book.

Publishing is a dynamic landscape, constantly evolving with a lot of unpredictability involved.

Have you ever thought about why copy editing plays a crucial role in the publishing industry?

Do you have an idea for a cookbook simmering? Here are some tips to get you started.

The biggest decision an author faces after completing his or her manuscript is deciding whether to self-publish.

We’ve all read stories that keep us enthralled the whole way through. The plot captivates us, and the characters touch our hearts.

“Book Marketing and Promotion” is a key aspect of launching a new title successfully.

Nonfiction writing covers a lot of ground. Nonfiction genre ranges from self-help books to memoirs and historical biographies, also including technological, scientific and political genres.