An Ode to the Night
ISBN 9789395986687





I would like to start this book by first expressing my gratitude and appreciation for those around me. My family, immediate and extended, my friends and my peers and the teachers I have had over the years. They have all had a major part to play in the making of this book. But since the first time someone asked me who I would like to thank, three names have stuck out.

Before any of them, however, I have to thank my parents. They have raised me and are the sole reason I am the way I am. While the days have been far from perfect, I am nothing if not in eternal debt to both of them and of course, my brother. They have undoubtedly had the largest impact out of the whole world, perhaps not on this book, but in making me, ‘me’.

Apart from them, the first of the people I would like to thank is Shayne Rajesh. Somebody I have known for half my life. Honestly, words fail me when I try describing the bond I have with Shayne. From the height of intelligence to the depths of stupidity, if there’s one soul on this planet who wouldn’t question anything before jumping in with me, it’s Shayne. Regardless, he is one of the kindest people I’ve ever met and it’s an honor to call him my friend.

Next is Shaurya Singh, someone who literally flipped my life around when I met him. While I haven’t known him for the longest time, it amazes me, the effect he has had on my life. And I’m really not sure how I’ll ever let him know how thankful I am. He manages to be smart and profoundly dull at the same time, and I honestly admire him for it. I wouldn’t like our friendship to be any other way.

And last but not least, we have Srinath S. P. I would like to not thank Srinath for playing any sort of role related to this book or its creation. I would like to thank him for the near hundreds of hours we have spent together on the most pointless things. I would like to thank him for picking me, out of this whole world, to stick with. For all the things we have done together and all the things we haven’t, I want to thank Srinath from the bottom of my heart for being Srinath. He means more to me than I could have ever imagined, and I wouldn’t be who I am today without him.

And for everyone who has been there for the journey, thank you.

That’s all for tonight folks.

Godspeed and goodwill.