ISBN 9789358782066




A Beautiful Emphasis on Freedom Fighters

The request to pen a foreword for Sharvesh’s masterpiece came in as a surprise when his mom, Bhuvana Akka (elder sister- lovingly) approached me. I have known her for almost three decades now and I have no doubts that Sharvesh and Yoogesh will be anything less than amazing.

I have been following Sharvesh from his mom’s posts on social media and am awed by his talents but what really caught my attention was his interest in community service. Now after reading his book, I realized that that was only the tip of the iceberg. I started reading with an open mind and expecting the work of a 15-year when I started scrolling, and with every jerk of the time machine I was forgetting his age. Today’s kids are phenomenal in creativity, science, and fiction but Sharvesh could empathize beautifully with the heroes who fought for our freedom. He never missed a chance to give a boost of patriotism to the readers. I have always been worried about the amount of history that has cascaded across generations and the current generation can barely name of 10 freedom fighters if asked. Sharvesh has shown us that we need not rely on old material available to keep our history alive; we can very well look at alternative channels to take it to the current generation. I couldn’t leave my chair until I reached Jai Hind!

In between, I smiled sheepish when the time machine malfunctioned as I could get to read about one more historic struggle. Being very careful not to give away a lot about the story. I would like to thank each of you who have bought this book and read it. This will help Sharvesh stay motivated and continue exploring more in the field of writing and enlighten us on history which is slowly fading from our memories.

What a wonderful tribute to Mother India, and I thank your parents for supporting you in all ways. Special gratitude to his mother Bhuvana Akka and Gaanapriya for bringing his work out in Tamil, I would love to leave a book in every government school’s library I work with. Keep writing and wishing you successful years ahead.

Vidhya Bhojan Founder, rightdots.org