The Soul’s Fuel
ISBN 9788119221233




Every ‘BODY’ Is Beautiful There is no such thing as a perfect body.

The world is full of people of varying shapes, sizes and colours, but defining a specific shape, size and colour to be the symbol of ‘perfect body’ is impossible.

Every person has a unique body structure, based on which the best weight and shape for the person will change. Everyone is unique. The only thing that should matter while deciding if we are fit is that we don’t feel tired and drained out all the time. A person will get tired quickly only if it is either overweight, or underweight.

A 6 feet tall person may weight 50kg or 70kg. If the person is able to carry on with its normal day-to-day activities without any difficulty, then it is fit. We may look slim even at 70kgs or have flab even if we are only 50kgs. It all depends on our height and body structure. Some people have heavy bones, so even though they may weigh more than others, it is fine for them. Just by calling them fat, based on weight, is not correct.

We should aim at being fit and not skinny, and that is indicated if we have good stamina, irrespective of our weight.

In normal cases, people try and keep themselves fit. When we see someone who is underweight or overweight, we should understand that it’s not by choice. It’s how their body functions. Some people eat a lot, but still don’t put on weight. This is because it’s in their genes. Whereas, other may eat very less, but still gain weight. In such cases it’s the body’s mechanism of converting food to energy that is slow.

Many weight issues are also due to certain diseases like Hypo/Hyper Thyroid, Diabetes, etc., but this doesn’t give us the right to judge people. We don’t know what the other may be going through. We should just be proud of ourselves, no matter how we look. We should not be shy of ourselves, be it for our body or our looks. We need to start loving ourselves before we can expect others to love us.

A woman, who has stretch-marks all over her stomach, shows that she has the ability to give birth to a new life. She has nothing to be ashamed of or to hide. She needs to be proud of those stretch marks as she has the capability, which many don’t. Many just try for years to attain motherhood, but without success. She should be thankful to God for it. So aren’t these stretch-marks beautiful.

An obese woman may work hard and loose those excess pounds, but this result in loose skin all over her body. Does she need to feel shy about it? No, she doesn’t. It shows how hard she has worked, her dedication to lose those pounds, to become fit. Not everyone has that kind of dedication and determination. So aren’t these loose skins beautiful.

We shouldn’t be ashamed of our body no matter however it is. Nobody has the right to judge it. If we are not satisfied with our body, we need to work towards it, but for the betterment of our-self, and not harm our-self in anyway by comparing it with others. If we try and change it only based on comparison, we may end up harming our health, than doing any good for it. We may not realise it at the moment and even be happy about it, but it will lead to several health issues as we grow old. That time we will have nothing in our hands to change.

If suppose we have a pear-shaped figure, but we want an hour-glass figure, we need to understand that it’s not possible, as our body structure is different. No matter how hard we try, we cannot change it. But both are beautiful in their own ways. So instead, being happy with our-self is the best we can do. If we love our-self, accept our-self the way we are, others will be forced to love us, and then, actually it won’t even bother us if they don’t.

A person with self-confidence, pure heart and a smiling face is the most beautiful person on earth, and that is what attracts others to them. Our body is just a home to our soul for as long as we are alive. So it’s just the soul that should be beautiful. When we die, this body will be converted to ashes anyway. So does it even make sense to worry about how this body looks?

So wear whatever you want to and be confident about yourself. If you are fine with it, you feel confident in it, and then who are others to bother. It’s your body and so it’s you who should decide what you want to wear. As long as you feel comfortable in it, it is the best for you and you look beautiful.

This is rightly stated here:

Acceptance is being able to feel beautiful in whatever you feel comfortable in.

- Barbie Ferreira