The Sacred Dance
ISBN 9788195915118





Be a light unto this world –

A fire burning fiercely

Upon the highest hill.

We were not birthed to be hidden;

Locked up in closets of the mind

Stowing ourselves away in musty attics,

Like Christmas bulbs waiting

For their time to shine.

We, designed with the heat

Of a thousand suns

Flushing through our veins,

The glow of a thousand moons

Beaming from our eyes,

Like spotlights calling to all

Willing to stand front and centre

On life’s grand stage.

It is here we dance, we sing, we speak

Freely of all we have been

Pulled forth to offer

We gather together

Like a billion little fireflies

Invading the darkest of nights

As a saddened world weeps

Asking to be shown the way home.