Rebirth of Strength
ISBN 9789358782097




Foreword II

I am pleased to write this foreword for an incredible book that captures the spirit of not giving up and staying strong when faced with tough challenges. As I look at the story shared in these pages, I’m amazed by how Vatsal never gave up on improving himself, no matter how hard things got. At just 13 years of age, he started on a journey to change his life. He worked hard to lose a lot of weight and become healthier, even when it was difficult. Not only did he lose the extra weight but also became more confident and achieved some impressive accomplishments.

One of those initiatives was creating Fitness Freak, a health platform where he now shares videos of exercises, helpful tips, and talks with doctors and other experts who know a lot about staying healthy. The bigger act in my opinion is that Vatsal didn’t keep this knowledge to himself. He went out of his way to connect with experts and share this information to everyone. It’s clear that he truly wants to help people make smart decisions about their well-being. As someone deeply familiar with the world of yoga and therapy, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing how Vatsal has masterfully integrated his yoga expertise into his journey, creating a unique blend that is touching and transforming the lives of many.

But this book isn’t just about getting in shape – it’s about being strong on the inside too. It shows that when things got tough, Vatsal didn’t back down. He faced problems head-on and turned them into chances to learn and grow. The way he handled change and helped others is really inspiring. It’s like he has an old soul and knows his purpose in life, even while still young.

All in all, I want to give a big thumbs-up to Vatsal for all he has achieved and how he is spreading good vibes through Fitness Friends. I’m totally sure that the stories and ideas in this book will get you excited to make positive changes, believe in yourself, and start your own journey of becoming the best you can be.

Rumana Rab

Yoga Therapist, Founder Rumana Rab Holistic Yoga Center, Dubai