The Secret of Human Transformation into God
ISBN 9789358780796




CHAPTER FOUR: Love And Light

Love is the greatest power. Love yourself and love others. It expands your dimensional body. Most people are not aware of true love. Love is not only connected with the heart but with every cell of the body, thus when you are in true love with someone, you forget all bad things about that person. In love, you become natural and real. Two hearts become lighter. In divine love there is no need for the coming together of two physical bodies; loving yourself is important. This is not selfishness.

For example, I have one apple, therefore I can share it. If I don’t have an apple in the first place, what will I share? What will I give others? First, fill yourself with love, only then can you share it. In divine love, when someone loves their body, it’s like putting a magical finger on their body. It’s loving oneself, deeply. Air becomes an angel for this divine body. Air talks with this divinity. This is true love with your soul or subtle body.

You should feed your soul with true love. As Buddha said, “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love and affection”.

You can feel good vibrations. Touch your heart and feel it. Close your eyes; touch anything. Touch your beloved, your lover; touch your child, tree, flower, soil, grass, etc. and feel the vibrations. Love is everything. You will become the center of love by practicing this. Nature is love and compassion - share your love’s vibration with nature. It is a scientific reason and that’s why most Gods and philosophers give more importance to love, compassion and kindness. That’s why Jesus says - “God is love” and not “God is loving”. God is love itself. If you can love, you have entered the divine, and when your love grows to such infinity that it is not concerned with anything in particular, it becomes a diffused phenomenon where there is no lover for you, rather whole existence, all that is, has become the lover or the beloved. Everything has become love for you. At this stage, power arises.

Do not create an ego. Ego makes you nothing. Absence of love creates ego and doubt for others. Your thoughts create the real situations. Whenever you long to move beyond where you are not, surrender. Letting go is the path. Allow something to happen to you; don’t manipulate. Just love. Love and positivity make the circle’s armor which is great armor. Tremendous amounts of energy that you keep within yourself can explode into ecstasy. Your whole life can be filled with consciousness, light and bliss. Every heart is also like an atom bomb. If it explodes in love or prayer, tremendous energy is released. If you open your heart, you can create a miracle every day.

“In the end only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you”.

- Buddha

This pure love is not for one person or object, it’s for everything - river, magical mountain, flower, beautiful garden, tree, people, air, your beautiful body, all facilities given by your parents, your family, friends etc. This is true love and compassion. Lack of love and compassion create so many problems for humans. We all are one. What we give, we will get. If you give love, you will get love. If you give money, you will get money. All success and prosperity come from mind. Mind is everything.

After showering, you should feel weightless. Whenever you feel weightless, close your eyes, and just listen to some lovely music in an open place. Feel your whole body starting from your toes, legs, belly, heart... feel that you are swimming in an ocean. Also, let your aura’s light spread everywhere. This light arises from your love. It is the presence of the etheric body. You have many bodies. There are seven bodies, and each body can be used to enter the divine; each body is just a door. If you open all doors, you become God.

Etheric body is very near to physical body. Whenever someone loves you or whenever someone touches you with deep love, he touches your etheric body. It’s very soothing. A sad person will make you sad, a depressed person will make you depressed, an ill person makes you ill and a lovely person makes you lovely. Something hidden is constantly working. Even if someone has not said anything, he still transfers energy.

When someone happy enters, you immediately feel happiness around you because he is exerting etheric force. He is giving you a feast; he is feeding you. When you see a friend and suddenly feel joy in your heart, concentrate on this joy. Feel it and become it. Meet your friend while being aware and filled with joy. Let the feeling of meeting your friend be on the periphery and remain centered in your feeling of happiness. Good and positive friends make you happier even if there is no exchange of words. I like to sit in a garden without speaking, just absorbing everything and spreading love.

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared”.


“Do everything you have to do. But not with greed, not with ego, not with lust, not with envy but with love, compassion, humility and devotion”.


“Every soul is in itself absolutely omniscient and blissful. The bliss does not come from outside”.


The main base for life is love, compassion, gratitude, meditation, happiness and peace. All these fill you with the God’s power. They make you prosperous and divine. This prosperity is not only at a physical level but also subtle level.