The Sacred Dance
ISBN 9788195915118




The Brightest Dawn

I lit a lamp

On my darkest night

The flame an unstable flicker.

I held my breath

As the wind picked up

I prayed, don’t go out.

As time unfolded

At speeds unfathomed

My feet pressed on the same.

Blind to the reason

I was led this way

My heart grew to trust in kind.

The flickering flame

Touched my wick within,

An inferno arose at once.

The darkest night bowed

To the brightest dawn

My eyes had ever seen.

As I turned to see

How far I had walked

Without a single map

The guide inside

Stopped my motion dead

And said, these words please hear:

Keep your eyes fixed

On the road ahead

Not the places you have been.

The “you” of the future

Is in the now you make

Not in a past, unclear.

I will show you the way

If you give me your hand

I promise to keep you safe.

There are blessings waiting

Around the bend ahead,

Go, and don’t look back.