The Sacred Dance
ISBN 9788195915118




Let It Be Sweet

Can’t we just

Stay small for a moment?

Can’t we just

Be still and quiet?

Can’t we just

Let tiny be ok, and life be

A simple love note

With only our address assigned?

Can’t we just

Play sweet music

Without making it a mash up?

Can’t we just

Let imperfect be stunning,

And opinions be less deadly?

Can’t we just stop

And love someone for

The sake of love alone?

Can’t we just

Let planets move without

Feeling the need to calculate

Their positions according to our moods?

Can’t we just cry

Without contemplating the reasons

Why we do?

Can’t we just

Give it all a rest,

And fall into the cradle of our own souls?

Can’t we just

Be held in peace

And smile because we are alive

To see yet another sunrise?

Will the quiet grace we have

Be given to breathe

Ever, ever be enough for us?