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How Can One Overcome Writer’s Fatigue?

Writing fatigue happens even to the best of writers. Writing is physically easy, but it can greatly impact your mind. You must know when to take a break and how to do it correctly. 

Feeling emotionally and physically drained out while writing is a frustrating dilemma. The ways to overcome writer's fatigue are endless.

Symptoms of those experiencing writer’s fatigue can include

  • lack of productivity and creativity,
  • irritability and negativity toward one’s writing,
  • rewriting sentences to feel satisfied with the content,
  • headaches, extreme tiredness, and boredom while writing.

However, the problem is that writers aren’t great at relaxing. They like to be productive. They like how it feels to create. Unfortunately, that feeling will fade if you don’t replenish it with some breaks. Breaks are mandatory.

The symptoms may include

  • unclear thinking,
  • irritation with sentence structure,
  • feeling that every sentence written is bad,
  • rewriting the same concept repeatedly with no satisfaction whatsoever,
  • negative thinking that clouds judgment and thoughts.

Unfortunately, no magical solution will ease this barrier in one’s writing; however, here are a few ways to reduce its impact over time…

Take frequent breaks: Even though it’s tempting to keep writing while on a roll, taking a break is healthy. Sitting in front of a computer is physically harmful to your health. One must get up every 20 minutes and walk around. You will likely feel fatigued in your muscles and joints and in your head. Set a timer if you cannot remember to get up and move around.

Take a power nap: Thinking and writing are difficult without adequate rest. A 30-minute nap can do wonders for your attitude, remove brain fog, and give you the energy needed to write. Anything over 30 minutes, however, can make you more tired.

Change the location: If you write in the same place every day, you may just need a change of scenery. Try standing up, going outside, or working in a coffee shop. Anything that forces you to move around challenges your brain and decreases burnout.

Respect your body: It is time to stop writing if your brain gets tired and you react emotionally to your writing. Everybody works differently. Your work and health will suffer by forcing yourself to write through your fatigue. Set time for rest. You need time to recover. 

Communicate: When writers spend several hours thinking, ideas become muddled and stop making sense. Call a friend and go over ideas together. Getting ideas from a friend or fellow writer can help reorient your thoughts.

Exercise: Exercise is good for your body and mind. Physical stress increases blood flow and circulation. Restlessness settles with exercise and thoughts become clearer. Also, stretch before starting to write again.

Keep writing: Those who write for a living may be unable to afford a long break or may have to work under a tight schedule. When the only choice is to keep writing, look for inspiration online. Search for different versions of an idea until something strikes you, and then follow the thought. Getting some points down, to begin with, may make re-evaluating the content much simpler. You will find that your content is not as bad as you thought it was.

Caffeine kick: Enjoy a cup of coffee on a deck or out in the yard if possible. The caffeine – and the break may provide you with clarity. Limit your use of caffeine when you’re feeling fatigued, or you could develop an unhealthy dependency.

Writer’s fatigue is not a fun experience, and it does have the potential to compound over time, which may lead to burnout. Avoid burnout by incorporating some of these fatigue-fighting solutions. If you reach the end of your rope, take time away from writing to refocus. 

Follow healthy ways to cope with writer’s fatigue before starting to write again. Jumping back into a routine too quickly could lead to a relapse, damaging writing confidence.

So, listen to your body and mind and address fatigue when it strikes. If you do, you can keep up your writing pace in a balanced and sustainable way.